Profession and career
In 2007 I graduated at the Hague University and got my bachelor's degree in Information Technology. Since then I've been a great supporter (and fan) of the Agile movement, trying to promote Scrum and Xp whenever I get the chance. Since you cannot create top quality products without proper testing, I am also a strong advocate for Test Driven Development. Previously I worked as a Scrum master for small teams in several .Net projects. These projects were mainly administrative webapplications for small to medium sized companies or local government.At the moment, I am working on Coconut, an enterprise social media application in Ruby on Rails. Coconut is designed to share knowledge within your company in a fun and easy way. (read more about it here) My team consists of 4 - 6 developers, each working hard to create a top quality product. The project started in 2009, I joined the team in 2010 and have been the team leader since August 2010. I enjoy having the team leader role, it brings out the best of my qualities: organizing, motivating, helping out and creating a team spirit.
Why this blog?
Since I started developing on the Ruby on Rails platform, I've been impressed by the unlimited possibilities the open source Ruby community has to offer. However, experience learns that using an open source component is always ten times harder than the author will try to make you believe. Sometimes you will find the solution to your problem, but sometimes you won't. This is why my blog has the right to exist: besides reflecting my thoughts and experiences it will offer solutions to some problems you might encounter while developing your own Ruby on Rails webapplication.Roelof Y. Reitsma, februari 2012